
Posts by "asad"

793 Posts by Anonymous "asad":
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 18:36

You've GOT to be joking, mate! WHAT can be MORE translucent, fragile, surreal and (discreetly) classy than a Chinese girl, esp/ those stylish ones from Shanghai?!


P.S. Well, provided you can keep up w/ their 'attitude'.
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 22:45
"...talking about women when THE GAME is busy?!"*

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 22:44
Hey, hey, hey, hey, HEEYYYY...talking about wone when THE GAME is busy?!

Gunjack, you thought you could eat it ALL alone, yeah? Get the best booties on your lap, eh?

You owe some petro-bux to me, mate. & hence, those booties belong to USSS, not YOUUU!

Jewish girls are amongst the H.O.T.T.T.T.E.S.T Providence has created. If you don't believe me, take natalie Portman as a scoorrrrrrrching example!

Labanese are hands down...but Venezuelan chicklets are hands-UP! Everybody hands up!

But...BUT...if you EVER come across the RIGHT Chinese girl...she'll take you out - w/ her looks - in a flash. Don't even REMOTELY think about contesting that, or I'll HAAVVVVE to post a picture of someone I know! :p


P.S. NO Qingyu, you CAN'T have her number! Move on...
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 12:37
It seems CL is heading in the 81/82 range, barring further political trouble. I don't know.

Gut says still room to squeeze some short juice!

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 8, 2011 22:35
Liquid at 86.15. Biiiiiiiiig liquid!

Remember I wrote last week 89 - 85 would be session or two?! ;)


P.S. 83 seems like a reasonable long...
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 7, 2011 21:05
So are we agreed on 85 yet?

Told ya... :p

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 9:10

Either you're on the wrong Forum, or oh, is it me?

Said, wake me up! Your surrealism is killing me now.

Gunjack, is this Inception going on...??

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 9:07

Mubarak has effectively 'left' - he's been castrated - and Suleiman is the def facto leader of Egypt (as now-endorsed by the US - as if that WAS required). Point being that the markets should, and will, be back to normal next week (barring any further political developments).

Gold will continue its route, while CL should be on the 'shorter' side. The question is, 'Are you ready?' or are you double-minded?

Mate, commit to a position, back yourself up and go for it (w/ a bit of applicable sense in maintaining SLs). The worst that can happen is you're short 89 and it jumps to 91. So what? You can take that hit, can't you? Beyond that, your SLs get triggered - take it on the chin and move on!

If the opposite happens, it'll be you, Cristal and a Beyonce lookalike (rather, booty-like)... ;)

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 4, 2011 14:59
This day trade thing - incidentally, the mother of necessity - is proving fruitful for me! :D

Anyway, I'm going short on oil. Gold has hit a TT - it is, at least technically, due for correxion - and this alone is sufficient for me to be short-term short on CL. Back this up w/ my gut, I think CL would reeeeeeeeeeeeally struggle to break 92.50 (barring any further political developments).

Here I've given myself three reasons (excuses to some) to stay short on oil. Let me tell you one thing - if it breaks to ~89, they're literally going to DUMP it to 84/85 within a session and a half.

I'll repeat (& remember I wrote this to you): they're going to DUMP it 400-500 pips should in about a session or two should things go back to normal. And they're going to do it near the weekend!

All you CL bulls, stay on guard...

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 3, 2011 14:18

Now which 'spare part' in a 'desert' are you talking about? :p
