
Posts by "b"

10 Posts Total by "b":
9 Posts by member
(Florida, United States)
1 Posts by Anonymous "b":
Florida, United States
Posts: 9
13 years ago
Dec 2, 2010 2:39
Nick92...any minute the evil banks will buy billions worth of the Euro to squeeze all the shorts. They'll buy it back up towards 1.50 and do the whole thing over again. Just wait it out. You'll see.
Florida, United States
Posts: 9
14 years ago
Feb 23, 2010 5:08
Looks like China is pushing everything up. Are we actually going to see a 7 top in GOLD?
Florida, United States
Posts: 9
14 years ago
Feb 23, 2010 3:57
Why is oil so high? Goldman enjoying being GOD? or more like the opposite. Who can afford oil this high?

Ashraf, why do you see oil strength?
Florida, United States
Posts: 9
14 years ago
Feb 3, 2010 2:15

They won't raise rates until housing is well out of the woods
Florida , United States
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 18, 2009 4:59
What would be a good entry point for short?
Florida, United States
Posts: 9
15 years ago
May 26, 2009 15:32
U.S. housing prices hit a record low. But we send the DOW up 150 points off of a consumer survey and a manufacturing survey. Is it too hard to go by real, actual numbers? Looks to me like the new consumer is the banks.

North Korea test nucs and we buy, buy, buy. Please tell me why this is ok?
Florida, United States
Posts: 9
15 years ago
May 26, 2009 4:31
In Thread: Oil & Yen pairs
Oil at this price is crazy. Notice how all Wall Street cheerleaders love Oil going up. Does your family benefit from rising oil? If so, I'd leave U.S, right away of fear of people like me. If you profit of oil's rise you are directly helping the destruction of God's 4.5 billion year gift to you. Goodluck the opposite.
Florida, United States
Posts: 9
15 years ago
May 26, 2009 4:25
In Thread: NZDJPY Eyes 50
Hey A. Its Brandon-FL. This market is a joke. Give the banks 100% of GDP and they still find greed the solution. New Zealand is a joke compared to any major economy. As NZD rises this should be the measure of Greed. I've lost limited money on this pair. I just think this country vs major's is a joke. When is the last time a College team beat the Major Leagues? 2001-2007 2009-DEATHl.

Goodluck everyone. I just wish we traded for the world's longevity vs ending our civil ASAP. Note: Sears made $25M and Wall Street at one point gave them $1.5B, same day. This could be the
entire GDP of NZD.

Don't reward morons because a trend is in tact. They have enough money to keep any trend going forever. Give Shld $25M when they make $1.5B. Is it this hard to follow EPS and P/E? Would you buy a company in your region that takes 50-75 years to repay? How many banks will fund a deal with a 50-75 yr pay off ratio. No one. Look at all these corps balance sheets. All funny jokes my kids wouldnt come up with, and I don't even have kids.
Florida, United States
Posts: 9
15 years ago
May 19, 2009 15:22

The equities trade is about to run out of steam. Oil will move down. Gold will move up. If not June we'll see $1,050 this year. Only thing Gold doesn't have in its favor is once equities moves down, dollar moves up, applying pressure to Gold. Gold will be safe haven.
Florida, United States
Posts: 9
15 years ago
Apr 30, 2009 17:50
VOTE:Below $1.41

The world economy shouldn't run on technical trading alone. We have terrible global macro numbers and this pair is going up? This is a classic bubble. Only reason this pair is this high is because the banks spent a good amount of their bailout funds on trading!