
Posts by "alex salmond msp"

8 Posts by member
Alex Salmond MSP
(Port Louis, Mauritius)
Alex Salmond MSP
Port Louis, Mauritius
Posts: 8
13 years ago
Dec 11, 2011 22:23
the h&s is there but admittedly not particularly easy to spot on ashraf's chart; the left shoulder started in sept 2010, the head in jan 2011, the right should started in october this year
Alex Salmond MSP
Port Louis, Mauritius
Posts: 8
13 years ago
Nov 14, 2011 3:02
In Thread: EUR

You wrote " I can see a situation in which uk might wish to join a northern european alliance and currency." so I asked, what scenario, exactly? You haven't provided one (unless I missed it, in which case I apologise).

As to Scotland; I hope they get it for so many reasons; it would be good for them and good for England too. Whether they will, well, I wouldn't bet on that either way.
Alex Salmond MSP
Port Louis, Mauritius
Posts: 8
13 years ago
Nov 11, 2011 16:25
In Thread: EUR
"Permitted to join", I like that. And they say Germans don't have a sense of humour :-)
Alex Salmond MSP
Port Louis, Mauritius
Posts: 8
13 years ago
Nov 11, 2011 15:43
In Thread: EUR
cat, you underestimate the strength of anti-EU feeling in the UK.
The UK is a country that uses the word Europe thus: "In the UK, we do it like this, whereas in Europe...". Europe is "some other place" that we are not part of. We shall never feel part of it. Good luck to you though. Maybe one day you will get YOUR currency back :-)

Alex Salmond MSP
Port Louis, Mauritius
Posts: 8
13 years ago
Nov 11, 2011 2:53
In Thread: EUR
I can see no situation, not now, not ever, in which the UK (read, England) might wish to join a northern European currency.
DaveO, what situation do you see?

Scotland may wish to do, should she secede from the UK as one hopes she will.
Alex Salmond MSP
Port Louis, Mauritius
Posts: 8
13 years ago
Nov 10, 2011 21:55
In Thread: EUR
Don't be ridiculous the UK will never join the euro. The majority of the British people want to leave the EU. Once Scotland leaves the UK the remainder (England) will be even more eurosceptic.
Alex Salmond MSP
Port Louis, Mauritius
Posts: 8
13 years ago
Nov 10, 2011 20:59
In Thread: EUR
Good luck shorting crude. If you get it right you can make a fortune but the chances of that are slim.
Alex Salmond MSP
Port Louis, Mauritius
Posts: 8
13 years ago
Nov 10, 2011 20:31
In Thread: EUR
STOP below today's low
STOP below 1.2125
US is a fiscal disaster zone. The global eye will refocus on the US mess before too long.