
Posts by "macrosam"

189 Posts Total by "macrosam":
184 Posts by member
(United States)
5 Posts by Anonymous "macrosam":
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Apr 9, 2010 15:38
In Thread: EUR
Probably forces something to be done over the weekend, may aid short covering if no sell off continues further. Medley report is that 3M euribor + 275 bps financing.
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Apr 9, 2010 15:34
In Thread: EUR
outlook negative, BBB-
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Apr 9, 2010 15:31
In Thread: EUR
Fitch downgrades Greece
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Apr 9, 2010 14:56
In Thread: EUR
By Jana Randow
April 9 (Bloomberg) -- European Union officials said they
are ready to rescue Greece if needed as economists at UBS AG
said that a bailout may be imminent as the countrys financing
costs surge.
A support plan has been agreed and we are ready to
activate at any moment to come to the aid of Greece, French
President Nicolas Sarkozy told reporters in Paris. The EU is
ready to intervene, Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the
27-member bloc, was cited as saying by Le Monde today.
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Apr 9, 2010 14:53
In Thread: EUR
Rumblings of an accord being reached but haven't heard any details or official confirmation.
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Apr 9, 2010 13:19
In Thread: GBP
It is very close to the time to re-enter my GBP/USD short. I think the recent GBP strength vs. the EUR will be abating and turning into weakness. GBP/EUR is approaching the descending upper trendline of a symmetrical triangle (daily time frame 2008 - 2010). This, of course, assumes that EUR/USD and GBP/USD continue in their downtrends, though it can be argued that GBP/USD has put in a double bottom, though I don't believe so.
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Apr 9, 2010 13:13
In Thread: EUR
Greece trying to cause a short squeeze on their bonds. Any trades executed through HDAT (electronic platform controlled by Bank of Greece) that is unable to deliver (i.e. seller cannot deliver cash bond sold) then must go to a reop auction where they are forced to borrow the bonds (at likely punishing rates) to deliver.
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Apr 9, 2010 0:54
In Thread: EUR
Ashraf, you touched on this in today's IMT but to further expound, how unusual do you find it that the yield spreads on the other euro zone peripherals such as Spain, Italy, Portugal and so on (Ireland appears to actually implement their austerity measures well so I exclude them) have not blown on nearly to the extent that Greece's has? Is one way to interpret this as the bond market not seeing the contagion spreading beyond Greece, i.e. betting on a market accpetable (delay and pray) resolution? I saw Greece's yield curve go inverted today and was then astounded to observe the spreads to the Bund on the other peripherals.

What outcomes would be beneficial to the euro in terms of near-term appreciation? Aside from an ECB rate hike, which is unlikely, would a withdrawal of Greece from the monetary union actually boost the value of the euro? Would any IMF, EU, or combination of the two funded solution create anything other than a short-term short covering rally?

Thank you
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Apr 8, 2010 14:28
In Thread: EUR
disregard that last post please
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Apr 8, 2010 14:27
In Thread: EUR
No longer inverted after Trichet's comments likely caused a bit of short covering, 2yr now trading at 7.23