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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Oct 31, 2008 20:40
Comments: 114
View Analytic
This thread was started in response to the Analytic:

US Dollar Index 14-Year Chart

Daily chart of 14 years of cyclical developments in finance & politics
Beirut, Lebanon
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Dec 29, 2008 17:16
Dear Ashraf,

I always follow your appearances on Tv together with your comments on this site.
If you take the PPP of the euro it is overvalued by 15%.
Also as the MA50 is lower than MA1OO and lower than MA200 meaning that yet the trend is for euro/dollar down.
If euro will reach again the 1.4650 again don't you think that it will correct sharply lower after given all bad fundamentals of euro area and ECB policy behind the curve?

Regards Joseph
e-mail :
Nairobi, Kenya
Posted Anonymously
16 years ago
Dec 18, 2008 7:23
Hi Ashraf,
I have been reading your articles and they are very helpful, they help me think outside the box. I have been studying Elliot wave which I'm sure your well aware of, and possibly what its saying about to the USD index and correct me if I am wrong is that the resent drop in the dollar is very short term. Its half way a zigzag pattern (5-3-5) and once its through with the A-B-C correction down up to somewhere around 76, we are going to see the final 5 wave up which should mature at the end of Q1 2009. Then from there we see the beginning of US dollar weaknesses like never before.
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
16 years ago
Nov 23, 2008 23:47
Hi Slick,

As I said on this site before, the next phase of major USD selling will emerge when equity market volatility abates and global demand creation gradually emerges to the benefit of oil. All these negatives you address are valid, but will not trigger dollar selling as long as stocks remain under pressure. One possible exception is for an e event risk such as i) Automakers are allowed to go bakrupt ii) Citigroup failes to obtain a lifeline. But i remain in favor of my best long term trade and that is long gold.

Slick Willy
New York, United States
Posted Anonymously
16 years ago
Nov 22, 2008 22:16
Thank you for the chart. Will the USD tank because of potential bail outs?
Are we not the most vulnerable to financial crisis because of our indebtedness re US treasury, corps. and individuals? What happens when OPEC goes to euros? or central banks have to protect their own currency and lose their appetite for treasuries, given our auctions for 20+B 10Xmonth?
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
16 years ago
Nov 18, 2008 21:49
Hi Jerome, the low may be reached at about $1.45, but i do see a year-end rally in cable to as high $1.60. Prolonged signs of economic damage in the UK and the latest signs of tumbling inflation open the door for interest rates to drop as low 2.00%. Also look at the GBP trade weighted index in the home page. it shows we may be nearing the low. Let's see.
Cologne, Germany
Posted Anonymously
16 years ago
Nov 18, 2008 21:42
Hallo Ashraf,
I like your homepage, its very good and gives much insight.
Im only a beginner in studying the markets and I hava a question:
Youre price target in GBPUSD of 1,47 $ has been reached last week, but I pressume we are not done yet? What do you think, it could fall further?
Have you any thoughts on the Pair EURJPY?
Best regard
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
16 years ago
Nov 11, 2008 18:58
Hi Hassan,

Much of the action in GBPUSD depends on these 2 main factors ; i) further BoE rate cuts; ii) further declines in global equities. As loong as one of these factors is present (both will be present for some time), GBPUSD may drop to as low as $1.47 sometime in Q1 2009.

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
16 years ago
Nov 11, 2008 16:52
Hi Dr Ashraf

Do you think that the GBP/USD pair has reached a bottom or it has to drop further down, before a turn around, and what do think this bottom will be?

GuangZhou, China
Posted Anonymously
16 years ago
Nov 4, 2008 9:49
Hi Ashraf

Splendid analysis, that mean's if i want to sell AUD/USD Whether is the Relative

Currency Combination which level as the safe side or do you have any Suggestion.

Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
16 years ago
Nov 4, 2008 6:14
very good chance gold will retest $650 before December. I expect notable gold weakness /dollar strength in November/December, before reversal in January.
