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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Nov 18, 2008 3:15
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GBP Trade Index 18-Year Chart

Daily GBP (British Pound) chart of 18 years of cyclical developments in finance & politics
Nevada, United States
Posts: 14
15 years ago
Jan 15, 2010 5:44
I think we still have a while yet before the GBP drops - I have a 1.6350/55 level on watch tonight....with the 3rd target set at 1.6400. This crazy pair is certainly taking it's time. We basically have less than 16-20 real hours till the markets closes...then we have a long weekend for US markets.

Once it drops Chloe, it's going to be a very long and fairly fast fall (relatively speaking)'s going to fall some 600-700 pips. I see 1.5700 in scope.
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15 years ago
Jan 15, 2010 5:29
LOL chloe-1.6200? It hit that 30 hours ago on the way up.

If, and this if a big if, eur/gbp has been sold off (200 pips since monday is HUGE) based on this Merkle resignation rumor, then eur/gbp is an interesting long here, and either way, gbp/usd will reverse when this run exhausts itself.

1.6260 is first stop. Accelerates down after that.

Just look at FV. If any pair "deserves to rise against usd, it is aussie. And Aussie is down 50 pips from its big news just 24 hours agao. And the pounder is up 200 plus pips in 48 hours based on what? It's recent cure of cancer and solving of the economic crisis?

BTW, hoping usd/cad can absorb the offers and congestion and plow it's way through the 1.03 figure and perhaps accelerate on the bid.

Another one ro look at, for "real" usd strength, is usd/chf. Since chf is generally regarded as a "solid" currency within the real world, and not latent with so many of those issues facing the U.S. and eurozone, appreciation of usd vs chf is evidence of real usd buying, and a precursor to that dollar index rally Ashraf is depicting.
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15 years ago
Jan 15, 2010 5:15
when pound crashes would it be correct to say next stop sub 1.6200..thanks
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 15, 2010 5:02
Time to short the eligimate cousin of euro-trash known as gbp/usd, cable, The Pounder, the currency pair which since Monday sparked a 200-pip destruction of the eur/gbp pair to pimp itself at 1.6350.

It appears the mafiosa whom The Pounder hired to pimp it's pair higher and higher when every other pair vs usd is declining is running out of steam to drive eur/gbp lower.

Short gbp/usd at 1.6350. t will get decimated in either the european session or U.S. session
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 22:51
@forextrader: you are definately on to something here. With most usd pairs positive so far in this ealy day, the suspicious activity of Monday's Asia market has returned, with the eur/gbp cross getting hit, spiking cable while most other pairs, including euro, are negative.

This "pattern" appeared Monday in Asia out of the blue, and is the sole reason why cable has become the darling of fx. On Monday, cable started a steady grind higher with literally zero back-and-filling. Eur/gbp cross was 0.9015 at that time. Just a few days later it sits at 0.8873.

Interesting, at current euro value of 1.4500, had eur/gbp dropped 55 pips to 0.8950 instead of all the way down to 0.8873 where it is right now, cable's value would be 1.6200, over 100 pips lower than where it is at the moment.
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15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 22:38
hey pippedoff,im wondering if that is whatis happening,for the last 6 mths everytime we get pos+ data risk appitite increased an usd sold off,but since that day we missed that jobs # -11k vs -179k an the unemploy rate droped to 10% it seamed things were changing ie: good data was seen as usd pos+ an usd was rallying up goin into the end of the yr...put that with expected shift of atten onto the eruozone with poor data that was a scenerio the us gov couldn;t have to support there soo call what happens goin into 2010 us gov puts the breaks on with pos+ data reverts back to the neg- data which should be neg for risk appitite but instead risk appitite plays strong but usd gets pounded when it should be rallying up if were working off the way it was 6mths ago...bottom line us gov will do anything to keep the $$ cheap...what happened to the neg- data outta uk story???ok gl
vologda, Russia
Posts: 127
15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 22:34
Simoa from Morocco
Watch out for the Euro/GBP cross if it breaks 0.8855 then there will be a big break out in the GBP/USD we could see 1.6470
My advice to put stop loss above 1.6350 which represent 50 % fib from the 17th of November height.

Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 21:38
I wonder whose leaning on eur/gbo to run cable 15 pips higher after stock market closed-while knocking euro below 1.4500. Someone is desperate to have cable close over that 1.6330/40ashraf has been mentioning.

cable up 15 pipis, euro down 3.

The manipulators are back in force.
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15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 21:29
Chloe-Looks like usd/jpy liked the intel earnings. cad lost 6 pips in it
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 21:18
Chloe-cad has exploded 10 pips from it's multi-month low.

Mighty bullish, eh?