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Oil to Underperform Metals
Forex, oil, gold & equity implications of rebounding Gold/Oil Ratio.
Shouldn't a drop in housing starts actually be GOOD for the US economy? The housing bubble and glut of excess inventories seems to be the major problem, or at least the major consumer driven problem. And with less houses constructed, the supply goes down, which is just what we want for a recovery. In my view, the last thing the US needs is growth in the number of new houses, right now.
now that stocks are looking expensive to current earnings we are bound to get downards pressure in the near future but when nobody knows as there is too much investor herding right now.
It is ok , could you tell me what is your forecast for Gbp/usd and ftse for the rest of this month ?
I have a short positions on Ftse and GBP/Usd . Do you recommend to clsoe it or wait ? .