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VIX, Oil, BRICS & Sterling's Sell-Appeal
BRICS equity indices fail at key fib retracements, VIX and oil near major trend lines and sterling's sell-appeal hasn't looked this good in a while.
This note talks about the Spanish housing bubble and the loans tied to them. They estimate total losses in the order of Eur 250B It seems the banks in Spain seem to have some leeway in how to mark their book. Is this something which will blow up someday, or something which will remain hidden under the carpet forever?
Much of the negative reports about the Euro Zone have focussed on the Eastern Europe and the Baltic. But Spanish housing bubble seems to be the grand-daddy of them all. The number of unsold homes in Spain is the same as the US, a market six times as big as Spain! How do you think this will play out?
price INtsability OK for attaining financial saving banks.
if he gets super dovish, then not good for CAD.
When would you thrown the towel in on a long USD/CAD. Thanks and enjoy! Please share where you are going if you are comfortable with that, just a curious person I am. I won't hunt you down, don't worry.
Unfortunately, on his own site, he yells and screams which I think can discredit him to some people but if you have some time, this is definitely worth listening to. I don't have a fact-checker for his statements but it sounds dead on. It's worth listening to, even if just to discredit the bears and me on how "ridiculous" and over-blown his statements are.
By the way, does anyone follow this guy?
Read this! Bank of Japan's positive tone may as well be the same as the Fed's rhetoric of a stabilizing economy - all to force those uninformed, distracted Americans who already have the wool pulled over their eye's, get completely suffocated on reality. The only thing stabilizing is the investors wallets with money in stocks and commodities. The number of "for rent" commercial real estate properties is growing by the day. I literally see this walking down the street. Granted NY got hit harder because of the loss of finance jobs, but consumers are spent, they're done! Citi and BoA are still sitting on so many potential (probable losses) and Meredith Whitney is talking about many more (I believe 300) bank failures. I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be a 10-year deflationary (hopefully not inflationary for me with dollars in US) depression.
Anyway Japan is advertising on TV, to their citizens to buy their debt. Just digging deeper into the hole.
I know less than anyone on this forum about the economy, etc.., I chose to be a health expert - as you are worthless without you health!
I wonder if Yen is appreciating because of those people who realize we're in no way shape or form in a stabilized place. The system may not collapse but...
Sorry to take up so much space, thanks for letting me vent a bit.