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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Jan 1, 2011 0:30
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Ashraf's Book: Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis

Ashraf's Book: Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 27, 2009 23:01
spec, no one on the market is long GBP now.....if he or she is not so stupid......
USD didn't move much low in recently month??? are you watching the chart every day???

USD index will break 75, just like your prediction has been failed many time before.....

I guess you are not American.....even American knows USD in a bad situation and some of them want USD debase........are u from east Europe??
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Aug 27, 2009 23:00
ok fair enough you learn by mistakes thats probably the only way for many.

but remember trading is more a less a 50% chance of getting it right. sometimes u may as well toss a coin sometimes not. right now i would not bet against the dollar just go with the flow and trade very short term. its dangerous out there now as market seems confused with a fight between bears and bulls.
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 27, 2009 22:54
spec, I was long USD/CAD in 2007 when the pare reached parity......the pare went to 0.9 before back to 1.30......
I didn't have power to stay, the trade wiped me out.....I lost almost 2 years profits from FX............I started trade again at beginning of 2008......I was long Yen and short CAD and AUD until march of this year......I made all my loss back and made a few times of my account.......

I learned so many things during the last 2 was my first time trading in the crisis..........
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Aug 27, 2009 22:53
the year has not ended yet. despite a hard rally in risk, the dollar has not moved much lower in the recent months. speculators have been rubbishing the dollar basing it on foreigners possibly dumping the dollar and treasuries but that aint gonna happen anytime soon. as long as the dollar index can maintain above 75 support level with rising stocks then the dollar should rally for the a good few months going forward.

the currencies that overshooted against the dollar will quickly return to fair value eg sterling. i still see a sterling currency crisis by way of agency downgrades and if i was managing investments i would not want to be long on it at all at present
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 27, 2009 22:37
spec.....I don't hate USA.....I used to live in NY for 2 and half year.......I like the city, and plan traveling there next year.....

I don't have any the way...where are you have been bullish on USD for 4 must really love USD and USA.......maybe a big fan of Ben and Obama.....
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Aug 27, 2009 22:25
qin you are a funny man.

You say you ALWAYS short this part of your religion? i hope you dont short it when its rallying hard between 2008/2009?

you must REALLY hate the USA haha. poor dollar.

you may make more money marketing for dollar ultra short currency funds. maybe you can move the market against the dollar??? who knows!

Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Aug 27, 2009 22:17
qin, my target of 1.61 cable was almost reached today if you paid attention to markets it hit 1.615 and i said short it at 1.6210. so if u did listen to me you would have made money!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 27, 2009 22:11
Is there anyone paying attention on CHF??? ......hedge funds want to challenge Swiss central bank again......I am interested in watching the pare, hedge vs central bank.........
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 27, 2009 21:36
Moe, The point is your country is selling USD and buying EUR......there is just a few countries can against it.....maybe Japan and China...........

I think it is a very smart movement for your country, boost oil price and get off USD reserve......

I hope China can learn something from your country....
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Posts: 50
15 years ago
Aug 27, 2009 21:31

I have said it before, the dollar bullishness does not usually last for more than one day, which would be a good opportunity to short dollars.
By the way, your request of Ashraf to post entry level on various products is an excellent idea, whereby I hope that Ashraf responds favorably to it.