
Posts by "asad"

793 Posts by Anonymous "asad":
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 21, 2010 12:09

Adding to Mont's worthwhile comments, I wouldn't work at Futex EVEN if they offered me a no-frills position right away! First, because they invited those who were interested...and EVEN THOSE NOT INTERESTED!

Second, the career track is a bit unstructured. They train you (@ 500/month for six months) - I'd rather attend Ashraf's classes on technical analysis - & then, IF you're good enough, you trade on their money sharing 50% profits w/ them (if you're no good at the end of six months, you're chucked out - time & money wasted!).

Having read your posts & analysis, think you're wayyyyy too good for this opportunity! You'd rather apply for Tibra Trainee Trader Programme. The money's good - 60,000/annum + bonus + free b'fast/lunch *glee* - and experience of being a prop trader, as you know, is INVALUABLE (even if they're going to curb prop trading).

Having stated this, it's EXTREMELY competitive! They hire all year round (check but the main recruitment takes place in the last quarter.

I myself went through their recruitment cycle last Dec/Jan but withdrew from the second-last interview because I had simultaneously finalised an amazing business opportunity! But yeah, it took SOME balls to say no to such an opportunity. But I'm quite QUITE happy w/ what I'm doing now. :D

I'll keep an eye out for any trainee trader opportunities...but m/while, look at this Tibra thingy. if you're an experienced trader, you may apply immediately - if not, wait for later this year... ;)

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 21, 2010 11:56

I agree w/ you that at times its REAL harrrrrrrd to decipher whar Said has written - seems the guys been binging the entire four days at Heathrow! *heheh* Btw, the word HABIBI that he used means 'friend' in Arabic...

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 20, 2010 22:39

Rags to riches to ran-SACKED now! Mr. Modi has an extremely distinguished history...incl/ charges in the US for armed robbery, assault & fraud. One wonders why the people who hired him didn't carry out a background check on him.

Apparently, the guy owns a private jet, a yacht, a fleet of Mercedes S-Class' & BMW 7-Series' aaaaaaaaaaand is provided bullet-proof protect him from the u/world? Huh?! But didn't they just prove that he's part of the same...?

...& you thought the Dow going up w/o any reason was strange!

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 20, 2010 22:31

Was it Tibra Capital or Optiver?

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 20, 2010 20:58

Hand in there brrrotherrr!! It's OFFICIAL now. ONLY one MORE hour to go & then the airports will OPEN!!


P.S. Not sure when YOUR flight will be... :p
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 20, 2010 19:01

Here's the correction... :D

IMF in 'radical' bank tax plans on pay and profits

Banks and other financial institutions face paying two new taxes to fund future bail-outs, the BBC has learned.
Business editor Robert Peston said the global proposals by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were "more radical" than most had anticipated.
All institutions would pay a bank levy - initially at a flat-rate - and also face a further tax on profits and pay.
The measures are designed to make banks pay for the costs of future financial and economic rescue packages.
The IMF documents were made available to international governments of the G20 group of nations on Tuesday afternoon and seen by the BBC soon afterwards. The plans will be discussed by finance ministers this weekend.
"The proposals are likely to horrify banks, especially the proposed tax on pay," our business editor said.
"They will also be politically explosive both domestically and internationally."
Insurers, hedge funds and other financial institutions must also pay the taxes, the IMF argues, despite them being less implicated in the recent crisis
If they were not included, activities currently carried out by banks would be reclassified as, for example, insurance or hedge-fund services to escape the levies.
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 20, 2010 14:22
...taking this debate at a forensic level, the seller of the book is based in Sydney, AU (as is sydneyjames)...and interestingly, the seller's eBay joining date on 01/10 corresponds to sydneyjames' Forum joining date of 01/10! Hmm.

Mont, you reckon...??

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 20, 2010 13:41

We normally use the terms, 'God permitting', 'luck permitting' etc. Nowadays, use 'clouds permitting'! :p

New cloud formations are reported over Europe. If this is indeed correct, then expect a downside in oil. It was the confirmation of the airspace opening up today that drove oil higher yes'day.

3-2 matters. Goldman will use the grounds of opposition of the TWO votes in their defence. Let's admit it, the case is weak! And it's seems like political manoeuvring (now graciously adopted by Gordon) that they're going after Goldman, due to the November US elections.

The market knows that Goldman, today or later, WILL get out this mess. If anything, the firm has huge lobby influence. What's uncertain is the AIGs, Stearns & Lehmans suing the firm.

Chloe, from my experience...your at the laaaaast stage of loss-making: FRUSTRATION. It is NOW that you'll start making mistakes & end up making losses! That's what the Cartel wants you to do...& that's what you're falling for - exactly. Avoid it...


P.S. I banked profits when oil went to 82.15 yesterday...and HOW DIFFICULT it was for me NOT to open a short when oil was 83.50?! Who wouldn't have? I didn't. Control. Discipline. The VIX is ᡌ...which meeeeeans s/thing. I opened a short at 84.20 (and I'm happy I didn't do this yesterday)
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 20, 2010 11:57
Chloe, easy! You've made ENOUGH money last month. Don't be ungrateful to the market...or else you'll face the wrath! Grrrrrrowwlllll... :p


P.S. Clash of the Titans
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 19, 2010 23:04

Pre- or post-Goldman, hasn't this rally been a bull trap for about a month now? :) Not v/ difficult to answer...
