
Posts by "asad"

793 Posts by Anonymous "asad":
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 16, 2009 5:53

INDEED! The one thing REALLY appreciable about Spec is that neither in Spec vs. Qin, nor Spec vs. FX, did Spec say ONE foul word. Ultimate decency man - hats off!

Plus, when you call others names, you're just showing your inability to convince others in a civil manner. Right? :)

Btw, are you REALLY serious when you say that Dow won't exceed 9775? I just wrote a few hours ago that I smell a HUGE short in Nikkei and Dow. Please advise me (& don't worry if it ends in a mess - I'm a fan & a believer...and a cowboy ;) ).
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 16, 2009 5:44

You amuse me! :) Now WHY would Ashraf rip someone off? Give me ONE good reason...
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 23:18

Btw, I read an article on B'berg yes'day which DID say that USD IS carry traded for funding risky assets. But not sure if this the primary reason for its weakness.

StanChart forecast that USD will turn the tables by the year end. D. bank - kings of forex - predicted USD will be hammered further down to 16% by year end (currently -11%), before recovering early next year...
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 23:15

Wow! What insight. Tremendous. Good. Keep arguing. I'm learning... :)
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 23:09
...and let's not forget what they did to us last Friday! Showed the right hand by taking oil up to 72.90 and then gave a left uppercut down to 69.11. Oil was supposed to reach 75 that day (on the back of good figs), right? Wrong. :)

I can tell that the chief beneficiary (apart from me, ofcourse :) ) was an inhouse commodities firm called Phibro. Anyone ever heard of it? They took massive that day!
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 23:03

Explain s/thing to me please. If USD is weak, then oil, gold & equities are string and all vice versa, right? But now we're seeing USD strengthening, oil strong, gold strong and equities strong, right? This shouldn't be happening - oil and gold ESPECIALLY can't +vely correlate w/ the USD! Something has to give in, right?

Look, I'm no equities guy...I'm more often driven by gut and common sense...and this combination suggests that the USD is rebounding in a couple of days...and equities are in for at least a 500 point correction!

Yeah, I made money today going long of the Dow and Nikkei simultaneously because I happened to be near my notebook when the figures came out at 1330 hours...but I didn't feel comfortable banking that money.

Again, something is not right. I don't know how much you know about thee guys...but I've had GOOD exposure to the big boys...and they know how to trap you...corner you...and kill you.

Everyone, long or short...KEEP your risk management TIGHT ( takes three months for a market to go up and literally three sessions to come back to the same level)...
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 14:20

Does anyone see a correction setting in today? Equity markets, I mean??
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 13:40
Funny how the market bursts upon news - DJ (+35), Nikkei (+48) and oil (69.76)...and then DJ (+21.50), Nikkei (+30.50) and oil (69.48)... :)
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 13:12
...not to mention that the Dow and Nikkei are in the +ve again!
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 1:41

Is it Yellen's Economic Outlook thingy?