
Posts by "asad"

793 Posts by Anonymous "asad":
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 13, 2009 15:33

I know, and read about, that 'sugar high'. Erian is a gifted finance professional. I will read his book; however, yours comes first in the pecking order.

Did you see John Thain's FT interview on the Lehman collapse and selling Merril to BofA? One of the best I've seen recently! Let me know, otherwise I'll forward it to you..
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 13, 2009 1:26

Thanks v/ much. But just as all successes are collective (and failures individual), this success had your share of contribution in it (even if you don't realise).

Last week, you wrote s/thing that was new to me. Remember you wrote s/thing about weekend covering (shorts)? I honestly didn't know about such a phenomenon! While I was largely driven by common sense (more than technical and fundamental analysis), it was your weekend covering explanation that gave me extra confidence to kill it.

AS SUCH FXHandler...expect the markets to sneak above 70 a bit...fluctuate...and then follow the (logical) path downward! But a SURE short (I believe!) will be witnessed by the Footsie - the only market to have stayed (barely) positive.

CAVEAT: Did anyone notice Russia saying that 'refrain from any talk of attack on Iran'? What does this mean? :) As I always say...PUT your stops/limits thinking about the Israel/Natanz scanario at night...
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 13, 2009 1:13

As always, my thinking correlates (positively) w/ yours! I am on Twitter...but I wouldn't want the SEC to follow me, right? :) I really don't know what Mr. 82K was thinking when he did that. From where I come, it is better to play discreetly and stay humble (although I went a bit overboard yesterday...more out of frustration over the way the markets had been trading (irrationally!) for the past few days - verily, a C'MONNN moment).

Breaking the "WTI Bank" wasn't as exciting as staying liquid longer than the markets stayed irrational!

And thanks SO much for your complements and encouragement. I take them to my heart...and having received (the ultimate) accolades from Ashraf Laidi himself tempts me to retire from trading while I'm still on a high. :p

Hey, you yourself must've made decent money on DUG, I was thinking...
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 12, 2009 2:53

In hindsight, it wasn't very difficult was it? Ashraf, you tell. Oil had been static b/w 72 and 72.50 for quite a while. Given the oil news in the past two days,i t could either have broken 73 and then headed towards 80...or broken 71 and headed to 65.

Once it broke 71, you could TELL that there wasn't ANYTHING positive left in oil. And now I realise that this is why it shot down from 71 to 69s because everything was thinking what I was thinking (above). Covering the shorts was hereon an icing on the cake! :)
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 12, 2009 2:45

As I wrote, I went berserk when it broke 71...and I continued to add short positions as oil the extent that by the time the price reached 69.50...EVERY penny in my a/c was short on oil!

I really REALLY had to swear/force/will myself EVEN to cover my positions here because, naturally...greed set in...and I wanted EVEN more (less) than 69.43!! But I closed the trade...slammed the notebook shut...and ran out of the room w/in split seconds. Believe me, it was surreal!

Technicals and fundamentals OUT OF THE WINDOW!! Just common sense.

- All positions being taken above $72 MUST have been short - what we saw this evening was a covering frenzy (hence, Monday will see the price in the late 70s)

- OPEC (maintain crude level), IEA (decrease in inventory) And China industrial (positive growth) updates were ALREADY priced in oil last night by 0300 GMT and YET oil stood frozen at 72.30. Why? Why didn't it run away to 73, 73.50, 74 - all news had pointed towards it. If it did not, there was ONLY one way - DOWN!

- With all the positive news gone, a correction was inevitable. I wrote last night that world markets would correct themselves starting from JAPAN...UK...US. Only the UK survived - barely!

I'm no analyst...but the rut begins Monday. Short Footise and you make make money over quick -35!
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 12, 2009 0:52

NOT being cocky...but I'll just allow my emotion to take over for a bit! I...made...457%...on my last trade!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! :D

I got a delta of 3.17...and during the last $1.50 on way down (when I had pocketed sufficiently), I put EVERYTHING in the a/c on the short side - SHIT OR BUST!! But it wasn't easy. I snapped quite a bit. DID you guys notice the gapping taking place like a drunken monkey swinging trees!!

But I'm humble enough to realise that such trades require timing, luck and well...luck! I do NOT expect to repeat this again (unless, ofcourse, I become big enough to manipulate).

I expect Monday to touch above 70...and then my beloved target of 66.80. Whether or not I'll play (or I even need to play), don't know...
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 12, 2009 0:48

NOT being cocky...but I'll just allow my emotion to take over for a bit! I...made...457%...on my last trade!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! :D

I got a delta of 3.17...and during the last $1.50 on way down (when I had pocketed sufficiently), I put EVERYTHING in the a/c on the short side - SHIT OR BUST!! But it wasn't easy. I snapped quite a bit. DID you guys notice the gapping taking place like a drunken monkey swinging trees!!

But I'm humble enough to realise that such trades require timing, luck and well...luck! I do NOT expect to repeat this again (unless, ofcourse, I become big enough to manipulate).

I expect Monday to touch above 70...and then my beloved target of 66.80. Whether or not I'll play (or I even need to play), don't know...

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 11, 2009 18:38
Boys & Girrrrrrrrrrrrls.,

What a bet...WHAT A BET!! Trust your commen sense - that's what I write last night! :D I'm our 69.43 - a WHOLE delta of $3 short... ;)

I do not care if it goes up or down! I've made the killing! Friday...Friday...Friday...profit-taking; 9/11; NO fundamentals to oil staying above 70!

Never underestimate the power of common sense. Said (Saeed)... :)
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 11, 2009 3:43

I love China...and more so, Chinese females! ;)
London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 11, 2009 3:30

This is better than porn mate! China gave a blast of a result...oil set to retest 72.40...and Nikkei heading down! Imagine my excitement!

A break-DOWN...or break-OUT...let's see...