
Posts by "bozzy"

2 Posts Total by "bozzy":
1 Posts by member
(Leicester, United Kingdom)
1 Posts by Anonymous "bozzy":
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Dec 14, 2011 13:54
VOTE:Eurozone split

The Eurozone has proven once again that it has a huge appetite for discussion without substance. It will rip itself to pieces as soon as it has to eat from the austerity menu rather than simply discussing who is going to be in the kitchen and reviling other peoples' cooking. The reason? Because this group of 26 who have zero recent track record of any substantive mutual assistance do not posess the strength to withstand the huge social tensions which even now are starting to show through.

Sarkozy's hypocritical snub of Cameron (remember PPDA who was fired because he did not "recognise" Sarko?) simply demonstrates the shallowness of this intitiative, as borne out by the immediate commitment to renegotiate from Hollande, and the idiot refusal to consult the various electorates by all participants, so quick to jump on Cameron who could not have avoided such a referendum had he agreed. It is also why Cameron is rising in popularity whilst the aptly Balls and Miliband are falling - Cameron is reflecting the wishes of his electorate.

To consider the larger Europe sentiment which Merkozy bang on about, one only has to look at healthcare arrangements in France. They simply follow the money, in other words, as long as there is a commitment to pick up the tab by the country of origin, or a foreigner is working and paying French contributions there is no problem. The minute it stops you are very literally on your own. This is not a terrible thing in itself, just that the sharing caring Europe of which these peacocks preach is shown in this and countless other ways to be no more than pink smoke. For that reason, it is naive to expect that anyone is going to pick up the tab in Euroland unoess they think they can turn a profit in reasonably short order.

What is required is a balance sheet reset, and nothing less will be demanded now or very soon by the poor sods who are being set up unasked to pay the bills for the continuing party of the generation in power.