
Posts by "chloethebull"

2520 Posts Total by "chloethebull":
1175 Posts by member
(halifax, Canada)
1345 Posts by Anonymous "chloethebull":
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 17:02
In Thread: USD
i agree 100% with what u just said fed has a very clean plan..keep usd cheap @ all and any expense:(..and there tools are gs an a ton of money to do it:( gl:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 16:16
In Thread: USD
thanks dave,i find once i start to feel the pressure and i start whinning usually means im gettn close to the turn know i;ll be ok..on another note some1 asaked about why ashraf looks @ the oil/gold ration..i u have both charts(gold&oil+s&p) look to see what happened the last 3times ratio was above 16 s&p sold off sharply were now tradfing well above 16 so historically speaking s&p should be getting ready to sell off..ok thanks &gl
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 15:48
In Thread: USD
lol hey yoni srry for the bone head remark an the crying u right...momma said there would be days like this momma gl every1:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 13:59
In Thread: USD
good1 no chloe my 4yr bull terrier..and why the crow cause i talk about my trades lol..i guess only certain members are allowed to ramble on lol..bone head:(
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 12:53
In Thread: USD
@sydney,i do use my own mind but @ some point new traders need the pros to help in cutting through the endless supply of ok with my trades still good positions just not lockn in my profits the lossing my gains waiting for these bigger drops:(..goin back to my old way of syd:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 2:19
In Thread: USD
i thought i was making the right calls based on my fundies& all the big players(ashraf-kathey lein--nourhammoury--boris sclosburg..all talkn about the tech an how there gettn weaker &weaker which only add to my own confirmation..who am i to disagree with that line up..anyways tired an frustrated gn gl 2morow:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 2:12
In Thread: USD
its funny how markets from earlier and asian markets are ignoring everything that happened hike from boe..king makes dovish statment..fomc members talk about scaling back qe2..cad had neg- data..oil unable to rally..u.s had more $$ pos yet what was suppopse to b major catylyst didn;t do anything permanet:( does the gbp erase its losses when everything that was suppose to happen never did..veery frustrated again lol":)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 2:01
In Thread: USD
hey daveo..i guess u could say im try to find my system lol..but obviously its not working so time to go back to the old way..i seam to miss out on alot of the move but atleast i was banking money day/ thing i do find frustrating is when a pair makes a big move ashraf always seam to come out with a big call like usdcad going to 1.0180 or today with eur eyeing 1.3250 always confuses me an i think what does he know that im missing so i decide to hold on for more of the move...then it starts to retrace an i never realize the profits:(..mayb its a sign to cover position when he mentions a bigger move..anyways gl:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 1:06
In Thread: USD
@daveo..i too have asked ashraf about the slides& the rebate on the workshop but no reply yet..if i hear anything i;ll let ya yes i think ull like the slides..interesting take on the markets an reasons why he thinks the way he does..but soo far not working out the best..i try to show patients for a bigger move but its now costing me money so im going back to the way i traded b4 smash&grab take the 50-100pip moves:) thanks gl if i ever figure out how to compress the audio file i;ll send it to ya(he said it was ok..but it would go good with the slides or the handouts i was given..ok ttys:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 22:56
asad..what do youmake of the oil trade lately..i was thinkn going long as a hedge against my usd to hear what you think of oil long/short..ok thanks:)