
Posts by "chloethebull"

2520 Posts Total by "chloethebull":
1175 Posts by member
(halifax, Canada)
1345 Posts by Anonymous "chloethebull":
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 22:54
srry that should say"nothin wrong with bangn a chik with the librarian look" lol
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 22:53
hey daveo..nothin wrong with bangn a hot chik while the librarian look:)...actually all races have there hot&fat chiks so i say love em all(except the fatties that is) guys..going back to the smash&grab style of trading..:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 21:13
In Thread: EUR
hourly chart shows this could be the top for now hopfully we get back to 13500 level then im out an taking my mulla an runnin..same with usdcad once we hit 9900 level or close to in im locking in my profits an goin guy:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 20:46
In Thread: USD
lol congrats daveo..nice to see some1 gettn paid..ashraf calling up 13250 on eurusd but i don;t think it will be done...holdn a big position too long rollover adding up time to get out while i can:(..just goes to show the usdx is doomed for a long time:( take care:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 19:58
In Thread: USD
i give up...:( today was very $$ +++ but yet usdx ends up gettn crushed across the board think its time for a break from the daily bullshit:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 0:40
In Thread: USD
@forum..i wonder if theres a explosive catylyst waitn to go off with this merger/takeover of nyse with the germans?? might be thething the traders use to sell off the dow s&p to show theredis-pleasure in the deal..those boys got a ton of pride an 10 tons of sure there not going to like there iconic brand being taken over by the germans lol..i think theres something here it as it unfolds ..still no new name yet but lots of hushhush....:( gl guys:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 0:21
In Thread: USD
hey daveo, ya somthing has to give with oil printing 83.75 an s&p soo high@1330level and oil-s&p very correlated its deffin a pressure cooker ready to pop 1of them...but i was thinkn the wall str boys might use the this merger of borse&nyse as a excuse to show its dis-pleasure of the deal an sell everything &buy the $$..or gold...but $$ will get some attention if not the lions share...been awhile since dollar had a good run ...this yr started of exactly the same in beggining of 2010..dollor gettn crushed:(..anyways i think were going higher in the $$ for how long --who knows--prob not outside its lower tl or the top tl...ok gl get long usdx lol:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 13, 2011 22:09
In Thread: USD
@daveo, there was a guy who attended the workshop who worked for market news international(mni) that had reporters inside the closed room before data is released to public apparently these reporters are ex-traders who know what to report and because there in the rm they get to release the data 30sec b4 major news outlets get it..because i attended the seminar the guy offered every1 there 1 mth free sounded expensive @150per mth/plus they offer another feature that was another 100buks..but mayb its not expensive if you get the news b4 every1 looking forward to chking it out..i asked ashraf about giving you a copy of my audio and he said he had no problem with it but i decided holding off because i new he had those slides coming out an thought u might go with that but i can still give you a copy of the audio..ok hope everything is goin great for you:) ttys
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 10, 2011 2:57
looks like aussie might be moving lower after jobs# which was mostly part time jobs an full time stalling we had the consumer inflation# which was weaker..could that be a sign of no rate hike coming?cad playing oil/gold ration over 15.5 plus usdx has been trading over 78 recently plus we got dow tryn to to rxtend its winning streak ..not sure if it can wasnt it the s&p a few weeks ago that failed to extend its winning streak on a fri??? lots of volitilty in the next 10hrs gonna be a late night full of coffee and ???;)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 8, 2011 19:10
usdcad did a nice pop today 9880--9970+ things are gettn ready to pop ratio over 15.5,poor data out of eurozone,ireland still in trouble,china hikes again,fed fisher dissenting,egypt on hold,tech patterns are holdn aud gbp eur...think its time to get aggresive with the shorts gl guys:)