
Posts by "olivier"

57 Posts Total by "olivier":
53 Posts by member
(London, United Kingdom)
4 Posts by Anonymous "olivier":
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Oct 5, 2011 9:17
In Thread: EUR
DaveO (slightly off topic but it's for a good cause and for anyone trying to give up smoking...)

When I read your quick post, you sounded uncannily just like the 'me' of a few years ago ("been trying to quit for yrs but the best I can do is 6 rollups/day") down to the "thin ones with filters" (the filters split in 2 by any chance?).

Here is a suggestion that worked for me if you haven't tried it already: go down to your local Health shop (lol) Holland & Barrett or online and get a pack of this (the blue packet).

In a nutshell, it's a herbal mixture, that is tobacco-free and most importantly nicotine-free; as I'm sure you're aware, it's the nicotine that keeps you coming for more so getting rid of what creates the need for a 'hit' is the first step. Now, it doesn't taste nor smell like 'normal' Golden Virginia tobacco and some people won't even give it a go because of that which is fair enough.
But if you can get past that then you can start by maybe having 1 Honeyrose out of every 2/3 Golden Virginia and gradually increase the ratio until it's all Honeyrose (as a first step). Then as your body slowly learns how to live without nicotine (and you willpower increases), you will decrease the amount of rollups you have per day until you become a non-smoker.

It worked for me a few years ago and I still have a pack of Honeyrose at home for the times when I really feel like one (maybe 1 slim one once a month if that)!

Good luck.
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Sep 24, 2011 21:17
In Thread: EUR
All those who say that Eurobonds are definitely coming, can you please explain to me the following:
how can Eurobonds exist without fiscal union?
If you don't have fiscal union (ie a common taxation and spending system that is shared by all the participating countries) then all that is happening is that the more fiscaly prudent countries end up subsidizing the Greece of this world so there would not be any difference.
And fiscal union is about as far away as you can get: I can't see any government that is going to allow Brussels/Strasburg to decide its level of taxation and even fewer citizens who would be happy with that.
Each country's level of taxation is finely tuned by each political party in power to make sure that they don't tax too much (or the people get angry) and that they spend enough (so that people feel their taxes are well spent).
Name me one political party that is willing to abdicate setting the level of taxes on nits citizen and that same party will be the one losing the election.
With that in mind, I see Eurobonds as non-starters and simply a smokescreen to mask the unsolvable eurozone problems and allow the current governments to kick the can down the road and hope for a miracle (that will not arrive lol).
That's my view and I'm quite happy to discuss it as I don't pretend that I can grasp everything
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Sep 21, 2011 17:40
In Thread: EUR
You got a link Gunjack?
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jun 10, 2011 22:04
In Thread: EUR
I would think that Ignore uses stops as the only people who don't are those with a 100% winning trades ratio (they don't exist) or those with one or more blown accounts (they exist).
I was only saying that from the time of his posting, a long trade from 4445 was time-consistent and, at least as far as i'm concerned, putting one's stop at b/e while 30 pips in profit on a long euro trade after the market had quite clearly called the bluff on Trichet's strongly vigilant' words, was a sensible idea.
So the guy had his stop taken for 0 pip! So what? b/e and losing trades are just part of trading: I look at them as the cost of being able to trade, no more no less.
I had a look back on previous postings of his and he has been long for a while, seemingly capturing a fair chunk of the move up from 41xx.
I obviously misunderstood your "eurusd WAS AT 4330 AROUND 6.30PM" but I still don't see the relevance of it; anyone looking at an /$ chart could have told you that! As for the 'contrarian' indicator, i would say that all those calling for 1.40 over the last 3 weeks have been the contrarian/wrong ones.