
Posts by "pcanon"

3 Posts Total by "pcanon":
1 Posts by member
(California, United States)
2 Posts by Anonymous "pcanon":
California, United States
Posts: 1
13 years ago
May 9, 2011 4:49
VOTE:Back above 1.46

This is just a hunch, not technical. I believe the EU has every intention of maintaining a kind of economic supremacy. They will do erything within their power to maintain a strong euro - plus the US is doing everything in its power to debase the currency as a means of inflating their way out of their debts. Both are a matter of firm policy. US policy makers will do everything they can to avoid weakening the agenda of the military industrial complex, which is their primary agenda for the nation, despite whatever nonsesne they tell the public. I think there is little chance of a major pullback for the anti-dollar at this time. I expect it to pop.