
Posts by "ptaczek"

120 Posts Total by "ptaczek":
110 Posts by member
(Brno, Czech Republic)
10 Posts by Anonymous "ptaczek":
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
14 years ago
Apr 25, 2010 20:34
In Thread: EUR
Pre-open shows no gap on EURUSD. However price is lower compared to friday's settlement. Currently around 1.3345.

@redart: why EURO Futures? Why not forex EURUSD? Personally Im trading 4H timeframe and most liquidity is during Eurozone/US overlap.
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
14 years ago
Apr 23, 2010 19:22
In Thread: EUR
@macrosam: a 200-300pips gap? :) Im not sure if it's even possible. I mean, I remember 300-400pips days during the post-Lehman period of the crysis, but 200-300pips weekend gap only because of a bad news about Greece? Oh common :) In the meantime, Im positioning myself for 1.2000 eurusd ;)
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
14 years ago
Apr 23, 2010 11:01
In Thread: EUR
It's official: Greece is asking for the activation of EU/IMF package!
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
14 years ago
Apr 23, 2010 10:03
In Thread: EUR
yes, the ifo is at a level last seen in June 2008 and it can't be ignored. But I'd be cautious about Germans bailing out Greeks. Their attitudes towards Greece are well known and I doubt they are going to rush to bail out them everytime a broad-based index ticks higher.
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
14 years ago
Apr 23, 2010 8:31
In Thread: EUR
Just landed in my twitter: Greece 10year generic yield rises to 8.89%, marking the highest since at least March 1998, and rising above 8.84% set on October 12th 1998.

@Shane: you've raised fundamental questions about fundamentals ;) For me, 100pips move is a noise and you don't need a fundamental reason to move eurusd hundred pips up or down. My stops are always in the profit, never in the loss. Im managing losses by myself I do not let my broker manage them :) And Im trading very small volumes and multiple entries. So right now Im short eurusd on 5 entries with average price 1.3360 and I already took some profits yesterday. As long as Im bearish on eur I'll continue with selling into rallies.
Greece and default: I don't think Greece will ever default. But ... it will cost eurozone not only money but also the credibility and investor's trust. Even if German fin.minister sings poems about EUR stability, the EUR is dropping. The only stability is always in what investors and traders think no matter the technical stability of a currency, no matter ECB Trichet's rhetoric about 'their main objective which is the price stability' and blah blah blah. EURo is undermined because the trust is undermined. And Im done with my philosophy :)
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
14 years ago
Apr 20, 2010 9:08
In Thread: JPY
If Im not blind, the Yen weakens consistently again across the board. So the one day yen pop was clearly caused by the friday's GS news but now the risk is back, right? USD and JPY are weakening, higher yielding instruments on the rise again. Even the EUR is up against USD and JPY since the London open. So, where are we going now? It looks like hooooraaay rallies :/
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
14 years ago
Apr 18, 2010 18:48
In Thread: EUR
Patience, young padawan. Patience ... :)
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
14 years ago
Apr 16, 2010 16:16
In Thread: GBP
depends on what impact on Goldman operations. They say it will not affect Goldman. But it will certainly affect the risk perception. Who knows what other Goldman-like surprises can we expect. I mean, the silver market fraud connected with JPM is another serious issue and maybe even bigger. So what's this GS charge? A real charge or just an attempt to redirect our focus somewhere else? :)
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
14 years ago
Apr 16, 2010 16:05
1452 GMT [Dow Jones] China will gradually adopt a managed floating exchange rate, China's Hu said, noting foundation for a world economic recovery were not yet stable, and that current yuan policy had helped stabilize the world financial system. This is a reiteration of long-standing Chinese policy on the yuan. As countries move out of financial crisis, they should clarify their exits from measures of extraordinary monetary policy, he said.
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
14 years ago
Apr 15, 2010 15:47
In Thread: GBP
...and such a nice drop it was today. Im deploying hedges on GBPCHF against my GBPUSD shorts - slowly, carefully, patiently.