
Posts by "sir ignore"

4678 Posts Total by "sir ignore":
4580 Posts by member
Sir Ignore
(United States)
98 Posts by Anonymous "sir ignore":
Sir Ignore
, United States
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012 19:50
In Thread: EUR
hi Dave..

what is guts, my trade? not in my estimation although I could be tripping often....with my long at 12960 to start.. it retreated and I added down not many pip levels until it close 2912 not much risk there as was confident of long euro..then it gapped down xmas and I added back long at 12890...this gap return in itself brought the trade back near even from there was a procession north as outlined..
seemed righteous.....and have added stop 3055 on total..

of course all natural organic fuel applied for good health
Sir Ignore
, United States
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012 17:54
In Thread: EUR
Euro long 3050 gots trailed beat down at 3100...this aint' da life...

sidelined....what blah sayin?

Dave...RE this last Bush/Romney/conservative thinking be the last resistance line for the progressive movement 'forward' clever using the O/needy tools for ensuring no more resistance...

Even easy to identify the progressive dictatorship working the plan now so clearly outlined by Marx..

Only a very significant event could create any retrace by progressives now.
For me it's not so much the distribution of wealth but the clear total digital 24/7 anywhere surveillance of all of us, now frankly admitted by Uncle Sam....This smacks in the face of dis pirate.

Dem Blue Mountains lookin good...simple life.....stressless dalliances..


Sir Ignore
, United States
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Dec 3, 2012 15:34
In Thread: EUR
Good morning..
euro long 3050 (8) partial tp somewhere 1.3135 area..

dip below 3020 will bring up option u/chf long or double back long E.

or punt.. herb crop harvest..


Sir Ignore
, United States
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Nov 28, 2012 15:41
In Thread: EUR
digi. banked the swish 7 lg...

need sustained euro rally get on it....

otherwise back to sidecar..
Sir Ignore
, United States
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Oct 18, 2012 23:25
In Thread: EUR
Dave....have you had a lil of da grape?

about euro...maybe dat 3175 will be a level to watch....I see it this way 1 hr short (21), 4 hr short (8), daily with da double 1.3000, 1 hr tunnel.....been short a while, now with 20% overall short use/chf against case any blah has substance.......just a trading plan...syphoning what's given..
euro/usd current 3071

Total mess in politics here..blantant lies, NO PRIDE....division.....neither side can do it come 2013.
but R. has best chance with a Rep congress...but even then...serious headwinds..steering us so off wind point that we may not make any advance at all..

Mi only respite...good pipe and mi sword..

Sir Ignore
, United States
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012 16:06
In Thread: EUR
long e/u 2958 (3)
long u/swish 9342..(2)

wrong ratio of course.....and need a retrace level on e..and close of swish..(or add u/chf at some point for big $ rally..
but high conf in profit...


Sir Ignore
, United States
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Aug 6, 2012 11:56
In Thread: EUR
yo bro..stopped out.. on 2382 long..

ridin' low

Sir Ignore
, United States
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Jul 10, 2012 0:12
In Thread: EUR
well.still holding shorts 2537 avg stop not hit..but 4 hr signaled long last candle at 2314......but will hold until 2337 stop at most......1 hr barely north now...if survives 2400..push to mid 2440/60......
current 2320
Sir Ignore
, United States
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Jul 4, 2012 14:01
In Thread: EUR
ah digi...I see ur pursuits take no holiday...

Sir Ignore
, United States
Posted Anonymously
12 years ago
Jun 20, 2012 13:25
In Thread: EUR
glass ceiling