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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 3119
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Commodity FX (CAD AUD NZD NOK)

Discuss Commodity FX (CAD AUD NZD NOK)
United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 16:32
closing audusd short with small profit and moving all margin to short nzdusd the weaker of the 2
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 16:20
cat, they are not ignoring. now they try to push 1 bln peasant into town/city propel domestic demand (example: chongqing). also, they try to harvest "people rich but no power" (example: property tax), because local government debt problem is serious(most of them already bankruptcy, but banks do not have power deal with them). that is why they do not want to hike their rate too much.

china inflation will go on and on, that is good for bad debt, and only way to solve it.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 15:31
i cannot believe the chinese govt ignoring 1 bln of population will be there for a long time
for China holds well what Rogers has said about Russia they have 100 oligarchs too many and lack 100000 entrepreneurs
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 15:23
Saying that it is just my opinion how i utilize Ashrafs services he may or may not agree with me and same goes for all of his fans.

Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 15:13
Hi, Guys Looks like we are having some hard discussions here, i will just like to comment on Ashrafs work here , i am not a hard core economist and i have been trading forex for 1 and a half year now , where i could not trade for last 4 months coz of my routine. In my opinion no one needs to become an economist to be a forex trader.

The reason why you dont need to become an economist is you have Ashraf around , if you are good enough to follow him and understand him, you can almost get everything for free, not too many people do that for free around here these days.

Following Ashraf is very simple all you have to do is use a bit of your mind aswell following are a few suggestions which might help when following Ashraf:

1. He doesnot gives us trading signals service.
2. Follow him on twitter to keep urself upto date.
3. Ashraf basically follows the long term and medium term trend in particular and based on that some short term trends.
4. You must keep urself with enough leverage because he is not one of those guys who is gonna help u trade the 15 min or a 50 pip candle, there is another site for it some where on the net.
5. Ashraf predicts what may happen and he may go wrong, but 80 % of the time he is right and the rest 20 % when we say he is wrong its mostly short term and after a small spike the long term and med term trends get back to work and thats exactly why u need a good leverage when following this guy.
6. Lastly about the china hike, why the heck would anyone want to go long audusd , when its at 0.99 even as a layman i understand that the price above 1 for audusd is a top for now and i will certainly like to go short with a small position with my stops above the 1 audusd. Very small risk to the upside while opening up a huge downside.Not to mention that the head and shoulders pattern is still intact, Thats simple math.

I am short audusd i have gained some 500pips from Ashrafs advise in past week so what if i loose some 100 but i only follow Ashraf when i agree with him so that i dont come and blame him for things .

Overall After one and a half year the only guy i really follow is Ashraf. Keep it up Ashraf you are doing great.

mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 14:08
look guys this is a forum to have fun by posting financial target for everone prosperity or anone than can.
if anyone is hungry cook yourselve some eggs with some tomatoes eater.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 13:23
putko, china problem is not population.

can you imagine officers and their relations can kill someone with no reason and easily walk away without any punishment?

many young people work 16 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, for less 1000usd a month? and 50 million officers has nothing to do in their 8 hours, have to read newspaper to kill time.
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 13:09
and you are the one who has grey feather
Glasgow, UK
Posts: 3
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 13:06
Ashraf, I admire your patience in dealing with some people. I started reading your posts maybe a year ago and searched the internet for the meaning of some things.
Most of it is obvious anyway, because you always post the relevant currencies. Also, if people actually READ your posts and read them in chronological order, I'm sure any uncertainties would be greatly reduced.
For most of us, what you do is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Putko Mafani
South Africa
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 12:58
USA, sorry to tell but America has reached its peak growth performance and now the only possible path is subpar growth because of high level of public expenses and problematic population structure. And I have never wanted to live in the States. Been there 5 times and honestly generally living in many parts of EU is better. You check the quality of living rankings where USA is lagging. Canada and EU are is better than USA. Just check out the rankings. GL!