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Signals from Commodities & LIBOR
Yield differentials, LIBOR developments and the failure in the CRB and Crude Oil continue to boost USD
whats wrong with u guys at the consulate in casa, u look for what with ur yagourt operation?
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Neste mundo cada vez mais integrado e competitivo a TRANSMELLO TRANSPORTES INTERNACIONAIS GRUP, desde 1992, confirma-se Como Um Excelente Parceiro que oferece Confiabilidade, Qualidade e Flexibilidade em suas Tarifas para o Transporte e Logistica Internacional. A TRANSMELLO GRUP garante excelencia de seus servicos de Logistica, Assessoria e consultoria em exportacao e importacao. Sempre pensando em atender melhor nossos clientes, contamos com varios tipos Equipamentos: Pranchas e Carretas de variados tamanhos, para cargas com dimensoes especiais e Armazens Equipados com empilhadeiras de ate de 03 a 10 toneladas, tudo isso para garantir a excelencia de nossos servicos de Logistica Internacional. Tambem realizamos transportes com cargas consolidadas para todo Uruguai. A TRANSMELLO GRUP transportes Nacionais e Internacionais possui a sua Sede Estrategicamente no Corredor do MERCOSUL, na Rua Perry Ferrer Soares, 120 - Bairro Porto Seco - Santa do Livramento-RS-Brasil, E-MAIL:, Tel. Brasil: 55 55 3243 1177 e Cel. Uruguaio 09960-9061. Seja mais um PARCEIRO dos mais de 3.000 clientes a trabalhar com a nossa empresa, Visite nosso Site: - A LINHA MAIS RAPIDA DO MERCOSUL.
En este mundo cada vez mas integrado y competitivo TRANSMELLO GRUP, Desde 1992, se confirma como un socio excelente que ofrece fiabilidad, calidad y flexibilidad en sus tarifas para el Transporte y Logistica Internacional. El TRANSMELLO GRUP garantiza excelencia en el servicio de la logistica, consultoria y asesoramiento en exportacao e importacao. Siempre pensando en un mejor servicio a nuestros clientes, tenemos varios tipos de Equipos: Chatas y Camiones de varios tamaños, con de dimensiones especiales para la carga y los almacenes estan equipados con carretillas elevadoras de hasta 3 a 10 toneladas, todo para garantizar la excelencia de nuestros servicios de Logistica Internacional. Tambem lleva a cabo con el transporte de carga consolidada de todo el Uruguay. La Direccion Nacional de TRANSMELLO GRUP tiene su sede estrategica en el Corredor Del MERCOSUR, en la Calle Perry Ferrer Soares nr. 120 - Barrio Porto Seco - Santa Livramento-RS-Brasil, E-MAIL:, Tel. Brasil: 55 55 3243 1177 y cel. Uruguay 09960-9061. Sea mas uno Parcero de los mas de 3 mil clientes trabajan con nuestra empresa, por favor visite nuestro sitio web: - LA LINEA MAS RAPIDA DEL MERCOSUR.
NSA Trade Bal with China -$19.3b, Japan -$4.8b, OPEC -$9.3b
By Joseph Plocek
WASHINGTON (MNI) The U.S. April trade data suggest the external
sector could be a drag on growth as trade recovers further.
The April trade balance printed -$40.3 billion, with small offsets
in categories, slightly better than expected. This compared to -$40.0
billion in March after revisions.
April imports fell $0.8 billion, and categories were mixed.
Consumer goods were off $1.7 billion, and this included pharmaceuticals
-$918 million, offset by rising electronics and oil.
Exports fell $1 billion overall and included food at -$647 million
and pharmaceuticals at -$650 million. Exports of oil and supplies
gained, and civilian aircraft posted +$319 million.
April hit the highest deficit since December 2008, and is marked
by a rising non-oil deficit. At -$27.8 billion, the latter is the
highest since January 2009. Thus the data show continued recovery.
The data also reflect rising oil prices. Crude import costs
averaged $77.13 a barrel in April, the highest since October 2008, and
up 3.8% from March.
Unadjusted country balances included China at -$19.3 billion after
-$16.9 billion in March, Japan at -$4.8 billion after -$5.3 billion, and
OPEC at -$9.3 billion (its widest since October 2008) after -$9.1
The real trade balance was about 4.5% worse than its Q1 average, so
trade should cut into U.S. growth ahead.
Annual revisions for 1999-2009 incorporated late data, made
redistributions and corrections, and recomputed seasonal adjustments.
The full years trade balance now stands at -$374.9 billion in 2009
after -$698.8 billion in 2008.
The Commerce Department said the revisions did not change the
overall trend in trade. Revisions were 1% or less for each years data.
Some military and transportation carrier purchases of fuel, and equipment
exported under the U.S. Foreign Military Sales program, were
reclassified from services to goods, with no overall effect.
**Market News International Washington Bureau: (202)371-2121**
sorry for bothering but do you favor the decline to 1150 in gold price or you say there is a leg up in the comming days. thank you
The government received no bids it found acceptable for the 150 million reais ($81 million) of 10 percent notes due in 2021 offered yesterday. Theres 6 billion reais of the securities outstanding, less than 20 percent of the 34 billion-real average for the countrys six other fixed-rate notes, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Demand has dried up for less-traded emerging market securities such as these long-term bonds from Brazil...
Foreign investors have disappeared from debt auctions, adding to the Treasurys struggles, said Paribass Donadio and Tony Volpon, Latin America strategist at Nomura Holdings Inc. in New York. International money managers have backed off amid concern Europes debt crisis will spread, said Volpon.
Deputy Treasury Secretary Paulo Valle said volatility in global markets has created a yield premium that Brazil wont sanction. The government doesnt release average yields bid at failed auctions.
...but there's more to it, as the comment above shows. It's another example of bond issuers not believing the ugly yields on offer in the market. Sort of like what is happening in the U.S. as well.